Cancellation policy
Your Dubsado subscription will automatically renew until you cancel it. Agreement to automatic renewals was included in your acceptance of our terms and conditions during sign up. You are entirely responsible for cancelling your own subscription. If you wish to cancel, you MUST do so through your Dubsado account under Settings >> Billing. We do not accept cancellations by phone or email.
After cancelling your subscription, you can continue to use your brand until the end of your billing cycle. Your brand will deactivate at the end of your current billing cycle. Once a brand is deactivated, it is subject to certain restrictions. You will be informed of these restrictions during the cancellation process.
Cancelling a brand will also cancel any associated add-on subscriptions, such as a multi-user subscription. Cancelling a primary brand will also cancel all additional brands and any associated add-on subscriptions for your account. You can see which brand is your primary brand by going to Settings >> Billing.
Refunds are only issued upon request. You can request a refund by emailing billing@dubsado.com or by reaching out through the chat icon in your account. If a refund is requested, after your refund is processed your account will be cancelled immediately.
If you are on an annual plan: you must cancel and request a refund within 14 days of your last charge for the annual subscription to receive a full refund. We do not offer pro-rated refunds if you decide to cancel mid-plan. Cancellations past the 14-day window are not eligible for a refund, no exceptions.
If you are on an annual plan, Starter or Premier, and switching plans: Changing your plan (upgrading or downgrading) will limit your refund to the most recent amount you paid.For example, if you subscribe to the Starter Annual plan, then upgrade to the Premier Annual plan, you can request a prorated refund of based on time not used on the Starter plan.
However, if you cancel your Premier Annual plan within 14 days, you are not entitled to an additional full refund after receiving a prorated refund. Your cancellation refund will be adjusted to account for any recent prorated refund.For example, if you receive a prorated refund of $100 for unused time on your Starter Annual plan, then upgrade to the Premier Annual plan and cancel within 14 days, we can refund what you paid for the upgrade, less your most recent prorated refund of $100.
If you are on a monthly plan: you can cancel at any time. A refund on a monthly plan is limited to your most recent charge for the monthly subscription. We cannot refund back more than one month when a monthly plan is cancelled, no exceptions.
If you are on the forever/lifetime plan: all sales are final. No refunds can be made on forever plans.
If you cancel your account, we are only responsible for keeping any content or info in our system for 90 days after the cancellation date. After 90 days, we can delete the content. If this were to happen, we would send an email out first alerting you.
Trial accounts
If you do not wish to continue your trial, there is no need to take any action.