Questions to Ask on Your Lead Capture Form

Picture this: Your business is taking off and you have so many leads coming in – finally! You’re feeling confident, excited, READY … that is until you realize you have no idea how to track their information or keep everything organized 😅

You’re digging through your emails daily and trying to track things manually on spreadsheets, but to be honest, you know this isn’t a process that will work in the long term. You’re supposed to work like this for … years?


The goal of a lead capture form is to collect all of the necessary information from a potential client or lead and set you up for success to convert them! 

You may initially think of the “contact” page of someone’s website for example, the standard 3 questions Name Email Message, but we’re going to help you take that one step further by giving you the exact breakdown of what you should ask for on a lead capture form and why it matters.

Let’s lay it out using our own template. Copy our template to your account using the button below.

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We always recommend opening with a welcome header and explaining to the lead what to do next.

What’s this form for?

Why are you asking these questions?

Are they going to get an email to schedule a call with you next?

Should they expect to hear back from you in 2 hours? 10 hours? 24-48 hours? 

💡 Don’t underestimate the power of CONTEXT in any situation. It's better to be overly clear and concise than leave clients wondering what to do or why something matters!

Be sure to use messaging inline with your brand voice that focuses on building connection and rapport. For example: witty, friendly, casual, etc. People want to work with people they like — connection is valuable. If they’re filling out multiple similar forms across different businesses in your industry, this will help you stand apart.

Next you’ll want to make sure to gather the essential client information you need to move forward. This includes things like: their full name, pronouns, email address, project date, social media links if that’s something valuable to you, referral source if you track that, etc.

(this screenshot is right from our own template that we’re giving you for free, don’t forget to add it to your account!)

🚨 Bonus tip, you can organize your questions into two columns (just like above) by using our containers! Simply create a container, and then drag and drop any question inside.

After gathering their essential information, It's important we understand how much they already know about their current problems, needs, etc because that will have a direct correlation on how ready someone is to solve that problem, aka book with you. This insight will also let you know how they view what they need or are looking for, and how you can tailor your services to be directly in line with that. Your goal in this section should be to prequalify on: where they are currently, what are they experiencing/ struggling with, where do they want to be when the problems are solved/what's their desired outcome, etc.

(example questions)

From here we’ll go on to make sure this lead is an ideal client fit for your business. I want you to consider asking questions that help you clarify if they are a good fit for what you offer. Think about asking questions on their priority/timeline for getting the solution, their budget/price point through a drop down box with budget ranges, potentially ask what have they done/tried/completed in regards to your service so far, etc.

(example questions)

Finally, you’ll end with reconfirming their commitment and expectations. Not having the same expectations as your lead going into the sales process is a surefire way to not close a deal. You need to know things like: Are there multiple decision makers involved? Are they prepared and committed to show up on zoom, or will it be a phone call? Set the intention for any following steps in this section, and get your leads to agree on understanding what happens next and what they should expect when moving forward.

(example questions)

And there you have it, a lead capture form built from start to finish! Now that you’re ready to share it, you can either embed the form directly on your website or share it with your audience directly through a link. ➔ Get the step-by-step on how to share a lead capture form through this Dubsado help article


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